My name is Mr Philip Lombardo, and I am the Academic Leader of Creative and Performing Arts. I first commenced my role as Secondary Music Teacher here at All Saints Grammar in 2016, and I have been lucky enough to work in such a thriving environment ever since.

My teaching career began when I was still at High School, where I was appointed as one of the Head Drum Tutors at Billy Hyde Drum Academy in Camperdown. Once I graduated, I was honoured to be selected for the Diploma of Jazz Drumming course at The Conservatorium of Music. Although I loved performing as a musician, I wanted to explore my passion to teach Music further and was eventually accepted into The Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Education degree at The University of New South Wales.

After several teaching experiences, I eventually found my way to All Saints Grammar. I was asked recently what I like the most about All Saints. It is such a big question because there are so many components to the job that I love. Of course, the students are at the centre of this. Our students continue to surprise me every day. They all bring a variety of unique strengths and demands so the job itself is never repetitive. Of course, it is only possible to succeed when you have a supportive team of colleagues around you, and a supportive leadership team who share the same visions that I have. I love how I can take any ambitious ideas I have to Mrs Lillis or Mr Rodriguez at any time, knowing that they will listen. We all share the same vision, which is to provide the students with a world-class education that has a solid foundation in Hellenic culture.

Proudest moment as a teacher? I am fortunate to have many. Watching students work tirelessly for hours on a piece of music, to then see them perform it on a stage for an audience – they really are hard moments to beat. As their teacher, you witness the struggle, their hard work, their moments of doubt. And then, you see first-hand their growth, success and achievement all on a daily basis. It is why I really love coming to work.

The small class sizes at the Secondary Campus allow me to individualise and target the teaching and learning for each student. When you fuse this with the dynamic culture of the School, and our extended community, you are working with a recipe for success that continues to reward you every day.

At All Saints Grammar, our aim is to provide a growth mindset learning environment that helps students develop their self-concept, attain a healthy level of self-esteem and high self-efficacy. Our teaching staff work together to continually develop our School as a centre of quality teaching and learning. To find out more about our School’s teaching and learning philosophy, please click here.